GemEx Certificate for Diamond Light Performance
Founded in 1998, GemEx pioneered the concept of scientifically measuring diamonds for Light Performance®. The process is scientific, independent and objective using a patented imaging spectrophotometer technology developed by GemEx engineers.
Diamond Light Performance
While the 4Cs define the rarity of a diamond, GemEx measures the diamond’s ability to return light. A diamond shines brightly when it has good Light Performance; this is a combination of Brilliance (White Light), Fire (Color Light) and Scintillation (Sparkle).
Five Light Measurements
Since diamonds are in motion when worn, the BrillianceScope® evaluates the light return at 5 different lighting positions. It also measures the number of points of light that turn on and off as the diamond moves.
Certified Brilliance
Only diamonds with a Light Performance of High to Very High are handpicked by our GIA graduate gemologist to become LUMOS by ZCOVA Diamonds. Each LUMOS by ZCOVA Diamond will be delivered to customers accompanied by their GIA Grading Report and GemEx Diamond Light Performance Certificate.
A GemEx Live Report (the live interactive version of your diamond’s GemEx Certificate) is available on the GemEx website for you to view the Light Performance in action. Click HERE to view a sample Live Report.
A Global Standard
GemEx Diamond Certification has been used for millions of diamonds worldwide in U.S.A., Europe, Canada, China, Indonesia, India, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. ZCOVA is now the only online brand in Malaysia & Singapore to have GemEx certified diamonds.
LUMOS by ZCOVA Diamonds are available in Round cuts.
Need assistance to choose your diamond or engagement ring? Speak to our consultant to choose your LUMOS by ZCOVA Diamond or drop us a message on our Facebook page!