Diamond Ring Promotion Malaysia: 0.5CT GIA & GemEx Dual-Cert
Looking for diamond engagement ring prices and promotions in Malaysia? Take advantage of our current 0.5CT diamond promotion, complete with a 14K Gold Solitaire Ring of your choice. We also offer custom-made engagement rings with free design, render and 3D printed ring.
ZCOVA 0.5CT Diamond Ring Promotion: RM 8,399
Carat: 0.5CT
Color: G
Clarity: VVS2
Cut: Triple Excellent (3EX)
Fluorescence: None
Certificate: Dual certificates from GIA & GemEx
Ring: Including engagement ring setting of your choice in 14K White / Rose / Yellow Gold
ZCOVA INSTALMENT PLAN: RM 699.92 x 12 months with 0% interest rate payment plan
Speak to our jewellery experts today so they can help to find the highest quality diamond for you. We also have a Price Match Guarantee, offering you the lowest price possible for any diamonds.
[Terms & Conditions]
- This promotion is valid from 16th December 2022.
- This promotion is only valid and redeemable at ZCOVA Sdn Bhd.
- Not valid with any ongoing promotions and discounts.
- This promotion is non-exchangeable nor refundable for cash.
- Free global insured shipping for every order.
- ZCOVA Sdn Bhd reserves the right to change, modify or amend the terms and conditions mentioned above at any time without prior notice.
Perfect Proposal In 3 Simple Steps
A stress-free proposal where your loved one can design her own ring setting!
Step 1: Temporary Ring Setting
Make a purchase with the diamond of your choice, ZCOVA team will mount it onto a temporary ring setting for you to propose to your fiance.
Step 2: Design Ring After Proposing
Upon successful proposal, bring your fiance back to customize her dream ring for free in 3D renders then try on the design in 3D print rings.
Step 3: Your Dream Ring in Gold
Once confirmed the design, we will proceed to hand craft your dream ring into a choice of yellow, rose or white gold.
Malaysia & Singapore’s Only Brand With Dual-Cert Diamonds. (GIA & GemEx)
In ZCOVA, you are guaranteed only the top diamond qualities with Dual Certificates. While GIA grades the diamonds 4Cs, the GemEx certificate measures the light performance of your diamond. With this certificate, you know exactly how your diamond performs in real life lighting situations. The Certificate lets you choose the most appealing combination of brilliance, fire and sparkle. Only 1 out of 1000 diamonds pass as LUMOS by ZCOVA diamonds which are high to very high grading in the GemEx certificate.
What Your Naked Eyes Can’t See
Inclusions aren’t always visible when viewed in retail but when you put it under 10x magnified, every little detail will be extremely obvious. The power of ZCOVA’s 10x Magnified HD Videos will allow you to pick the best suitable diamonds anywhere, anytime without the interference of lighting. Not sure how to see/pick diamond? Talk to our diamond experts and learn beyond diamond’s 4C!
Absolutely No Hidden Fees!
We stand by our promise as a transparent company. All pricing is stated clearly on our website and there are absolutely no hidden fees! Experience ZCOVA’s VIP Services with complimentary jewellery customization, engraving, resizing**, global insured shipping, lifetime warranty and more. Make your booking with ZCOVA today.
正在寻找马来西亚的订婚钻戒价格和促销活动? 充分利用我们当前的 0.5克拉钻石促销活动,配上您选择的 14K金单石戒指。 我们还提供免费设计、渲染和 3D 打印的定制订婚戒指。
0.5克拉圆钻订婚戒指优惠价只需:RM 8,399
钻石克拉: 0.5克拉
钻石颜色: G
钻石净度: VVS2
钻石切工: Triple Excellent (3EX)
钻石荧光: 无
证书: GIA & GemEx 双重证书
戒指: 包括您选择的14K 白金/玫瑰金/黄金独立钻戒设置
ZCOVA 分期付款计划:RM 699.92 x 12 个月,0% 利率付款计划
立即联系我们的宝石学家,让他们帮助您找到最优质的钻石。 我们还提供价格匹配保证,为您提供任何最低价格的钻石。
- 此促销活动自 2022年12月16日起生效。
- 此促销活动仅在 ZCOVA Sdn Bhd 有效并可兑换。
- 不适用于任何正在进行的促销和折扣。
- 此促销活动不可兑换或退还现金。
- 每笔订单均可享免费全球保险运送。
- ZCOVA Sdn Bhd 保留随时更改、修改或修订上述条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。
只需 3 个简单步骤即可完成完美提案
第 3 步:您梦想中的金戒指
马来西亚和新加坡 唯一拥有双重证书的钻石品牌。 (GIA 和 GemEx)
在 ZCOVA,您只获得双重证书的顶级钻石品质保证。GIA证书将钻石分级为4C,而 GemEx证书则衡量钻石的光性能。有了两份证书,您可确切地知道您的钻石在现实生活中的照明情况下的表现。证书让您选择最吸引人的亮光、火彩、闪光组合。 1000颗钻石中只有 1颗是通过ZCOVA的LUMOS钻石,这些钻石在 GemEx证书中的级别是从高到更高。
在店面查看时,内含物并不总是可见的,但当您将其放大 10 倍时,每个小细节都会非常明显。 ZCOVA的10倍放大高清视频的强大功能将使您能够随时随地挑选最合适的钻石,而不受灯光的干扰。 不确定如何查看/挑选钻石? 与我们的钻石学家交谈,了解钻石 4C 之外的知识!